2020年8月8日 1、不想种树,也不想乘凉。I don't want to plant trees or enjoy the cool.2、不接谁的花,也不陪谁长大。Do not pick up whose flower, also do not accompany who grow up.3、不...不在文字
2022年7月12日 1.不要谁的礼物,不陪谁浪迹天涯。 Don't want someone's gift, don't accompany who roam the world. 2.智者不入爱河,年轻人要努力拼搏。 A wise man is not in love, but a young ...牟主任说健康
2020年8月3日 I will try my best to make myself have enough basic material before I find my ideal.十四,两手插袋 谁也不爱。Nobody loves anyone with his hands in his pockets.十五,我的...魅力文字系